Guild Challenge 2007

Our challenge ended at the April 2007 meeting. We hope to have some photos posted soon. Here were the rules.

Plano Quilt Guild 2nd Annual AQS Challenge - 2007

Theme: “Games People Play”

The "game" is subject to your own interpretation. It could be a board game, a traditional children's game, a sport, or anything else that YOU think of as a game people play.

Fabric: Your choice

There is no "challenge fabric". Use any fabrics you choose to carry out your interpretation of the theme.


  1. The quilt should interpret the theme "Games People Play." Any technique may be used, and any fabric may be used.
  2. The size of the quilt must be 35” to 40” in side to side and 35” to 50” top to bottom.
  3. The quilt must be quilted by hand or by machine (not tied).
  4. An identification label must appear on the bottom edge of the quilt back with
    • a. Quilt name
      b. Names of all participants in quilt’s creation. If the quilt is done by a small group, list the name of the small group AND the names of individual participants.
      c. “Games People Play 2007 Guild Challenge”.

  5. Each quilt must have a 4” sleeve attached to the back of the quilt.
  6. All quilts are due at the April 2007 Guild meeting. Judging will be held at the meeting, and the top eight quilts will be kept by the Guild and submitted to AQS for the August 2007 Nashville show.
  7. A challenge quilt may be made by any number of people. Also, there is no restriction on the number of entries in which a member may participate. However, each quilter may be represented at AQS only once. So if your small group enters a quilt, and you enter a quilt individually, only one of those could be sent to AQS. All participants must be Guild members in good standing.
  8. The Guild will cover all entry fees and shipping costs for the AQS show. Any monetary prizes won at AQS will be awarded to the Guild. Any ribbons will be awarded to the quilts.