Community Service

Community Service Sew Days
We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month
from 10:00a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Plano Sewing Center
2070 W. Spring Creek Pkwy #326
Plano, TX 75023
This workshop is open to everyone that wants to participate. All that is required is a sewing machine, basic sewing skills and basic supplies. We provide all the fabric & batting. All we need is your help! On these sew days we will be making quilts to be donated to our local charities. This is not only a great way to give back to your community but a fun way to meet people while doing what you love to do, quilt! Our space is limited so please RSVP to Karen at servicequilts @
We have put together a list of free patterns available on the web that are ideal for making community service quilts.
Click here for a look at some recent community service donations.
Community Service Projects of our Guild

Christmas Stocking Project
Click here for information on our Christmas Stocking Project.
The Quilters Guild of Plano donates quilts to the following organizations in Collin County:
Children’s Medical Center - Legacy
The QGP tries to assist in making hospital stays as pleasant as possible for chronically ill children and their parents by giving pillowcases that are cheerful and fun. The pillowcases are made by members during the yearly Retreat. We provided 100 pillowcases last year through the agency Conkur Cancer. This year we are planning on delivering the pillowcases ourselves and the goal is 200 for 2010-2011.
CCCAC - Collin County Children's Advocacy Center
Child Protective Services works closely with this Agency taking action to identify protect and improve the lives of abused and neglected children. In 2009 the CCCAC provided 4,245 Community Resource Services to 968 clients. QGP provides smaller bright, cheery quilts and crocheted afghans as well as seasonal pillowcases oriented to children. In 2009-2010 the Guild provided a total of 12 crocheted afghans, 80 Easter pillowcases and 173 quilts. See their website at
Hope’s Door
This agency works to change the lives of families affected by domestic violence. An aspect of this program is offering shelter and transitional housing. They have requested that the QGP provide 12 cheerful and fun child-sized quilts and 25 filled Christmas stockings for clients with children between the ages of 6 months to 12 years old. They have also requested a Childs Christmas quilt and a Christmas stocking for their yearly silent auction during their fund raising party, "A Date with Santa.".
Isabel’s Community Outreach
Is a community outreach program based in Plano’s "Spanish Mission" area which assists individual families in achieving a life of self-sufficiency. One of the programs used to do this is the basic living skills program which includes classes teaching sewing skills. The QGP donates fabric and sewing tools to assist in the teaching of these skills. We will continue to do the same for the 2010-2011 year.
Medical Center of Plano
This hospital requests our help in making "cough pillows" for patients after surgery. These special pillows are various sizes around 9" x 15" that patients hold against their middles for support when coughing or having respiratory therapy. Last year we provided 145 cough pillows and will be providing at least 200 for the 2010-2011 year.
Operation Quilted Comfort
Operation Quilted Comfort was started in 2004 by two military spouses living on post at Fort Hood, Texas. When several local quilters attended the post Quilt-A-Thon, at Fort Hood, they saw the potential to make this a community service project very meaningful to the families that would receive these quilts. The purpose is to create quilts for the families who have lost a soldier in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The concept is a comforting hug for the family members who now face an empty chair at the dinner table. It is not just one quilt per family; it is one quilt for each hug needed. Perhaps a young wife with several children, a soldier's Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunt, as well as a soldier's sister or brother. The project expanded to include those soldiers with life altering injuries. In 2009-2010 the QGP provided batting and fabric to this bee. We also provided 6 crocheted afghans. If you'd like to be involved in the way of donations of fabric, batting, backing, quilting, binding, and labeling please contact Allison C. Bayer at
Parkland Hospital
This is the county hospital that furnishes medical aid and hospital care to indigent and needy persons residing in the hospital District of Dallas County. In fiscal year 2008, Parkland provided more than $523.4 million in uncompensated care. QGP has for many years provided over 1000 Christmas stockings. Some stockings are filled with health items for women after the birth of their child, some are filled with child oriented items for siblings of babies born in the maternity ward and some stockings go to the children in the Burn Unit. Last year the Guild provided over 1100 Christmas stockings and hopes to do the same for 2010-2011.
Sam Rayburn Memorial Veterans Center
This Veterans Administration Agency program in Bonham, Texas provides a full range of primary and geriatric care programs for the rapidly growing population of aging veterans including a Transitional Housing Program for eligible homeless veterans enrolled in their treatment programs. The VA – Bonham averages around 30-40 new clients every year in their Housing Program and the QGP will provide 30 twin bed-sized and lap quilts as well as adult oriented pillowcases to this program.
Soldiers’ Angels
This agency is a non-profit organization with their home office in California and a warehouse located in San Antonio. They offer support for soldiers, military families, the wounded and families of the fallen in every branch of the US Armed Forces. In 2009 the QGP donated 200 Christmas stockings which are used as wrapping for gifts to our troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are hoping to donate 500 stockings in 2010.
The Turning Point: Rape Crisis Center of Collin County
This agency addresses the needs of victims of sexual assault. This includes individual and group counseling, community outreach and education, legal advocacy, accompaniment to the hospital and a 24 hour crisis hotline. In 2009 this agency provided services to 779 clients. The QGP provides medium sized quilts and crocheted afghans for clients that are often used in counseling sessions and then taken home. In 2009-2010 we provided 24 crocheted afghans and 50 quilts. We will continue to donate afghans and quilts. In 2010 a special member-made quilt will be used at their yearly silent auction for fund raising during their "Casino Royale Gala". See their website at