Block of the Month - Sawtooth Sampler
Our new Block of the Month is Sawtooth Sampler run by Connie Litfin. Each month you will make the Sawtooth Sampler block. For the center of the block you will receive 2 patterns a month for 6 months. Each month you will show your blocks and get to keep them to make your own quilt in your own color choice. At the end of the program we will have a show and tell of your finished top or quilt.
Sawtooth Sampler Block for outside of block
Center blocks to show in August:
To see other past years' Blocks of Month
Note: We try to reproduce these to the best of our abilities. If you need a better copy please contact the BOM committee directly. The webmaster cannot provide you with a cleaner copy.
The BOM files are all in Adobe PDF format. These files can be read and printed using the Acrobat Reader, free from Adobe.