Nine Patch
It is the custom of the guild to make a nine patch block for members who move away from the North Texas area. Nine patches can be made two ways. Either the same colour on the X or any colour combination if you want the X with our guild muslin. The blocks are collected by the 9-patch chairperson(s) for three months are then sent to the member as a remembrance of the guild and its members. Muslin may be purchased at the guild meetings from the Nine-Patch committee-person.
Cutting Directions
Start with pre-washed, 100% cotton fabric; cut into nine 2 1/2 inch squares of a coloured fabric and four 2 1/2 inch squares of guild muslin (see Figure 1).

Sewing Directions
All seams are sewn with a 1/4 inch seam allowance. To assemble, sew all "A" blocks (see Step 1).

Then sew the "A/B" pair to the "C" blocks (see Step 2).

When these three pieces are sewn together, press toward the darker colour, alternating rows. Sew Row 1 to Row 2, as shown in Step 3, fitting the pressed edges together with your fingers or with a pin to hold in place. Sew Row 2 to Row 3 and press. Check the size to make sure the finished block is 6 1/2 inches.

Make as many blocks as you desire. You may sign your blocks on one of the muslin squares, but you do not have to sign them.